In accordance with West Virginia Department of Education Policy 2520.13 and WV §126CSR42, all students enrolled at Putnam Career & Technical Center (PCTC) will participate in random drug testing as part of the Simulated Workplace initiative.

All students are required to agree to the Simulated Workplace protocols as indicated on the PCTC Simulated Workplace application, prior to enrolling at PCTC.

In addition to required random testing, drug screening will also be required of any student involved in an accident that requires a report to be filed with the WV Board of Risk & Insurance Management (BRIM).

The use of oral swab drug testing allows PCTC to determine whether a student is intoxicated at the time of testing. Any student determined to be intoxicated at the time of testing will be removed from all safety sensitive areas in their respective shop/classroom, and will be sent home immediately. An appropriate person on the student’s Emergency Card will be contacted to provide transportation home.

A student who has failed a drug test due to previous use but has not demonstrated evidence of being intoxicated at school may be permitted to continue participating in safety sensitive classroom and shop activities with the consent of the the program instructor and/or the school


Students failing a drug screen will undergo the following procedures:

  1. A follow­up drug screen will occur in no less than 30 days from the failed test. Parents of secondary students will be notified of both the failed initial test, and of the pending retest.
    Postsecondary students will have drug test results recorded in their student file

  2. Failure to successfully pass the retest (second drug screen) will require that students participate in counseling provided by the school and/or county. This may include meetings with school counselors, addiction counselors, job placement specialists, school administrators, members of local law enforcement, or other qualified professionals available to the school during school time. A follow­up drug screen will occur in no less than 30 days from the second failed test. Parents of secondary students will be notified of both the failed second test, and of the pending (third) test

  3. Secondary students failing a third test will be required to attend a Parent Conference with the Putnam County Schools Drug Prevention & Education Coordinator. The aim of this meeting is to provide both the student and the parent with outside resources to combat potential drug addiction. Guidance counseling and scheduling adjustments may be made available as necessary, depending on individual student needs. Failure of postsecondary students to successfully pass the third test will result in dismissal from the PCTC program.

PCTC reserves the right to drug test any student demonstrating reasonably suspicious behavior that could indicate intoxication (i.e. slurred speech, unusual motor­skill problems, etc.).